
Valiyavan Movie Review The Hindu


ut by relegating these important characters to the corners, the film misses the opportunity to involve us in Vinod’s plight, in his mission. There’s a bit involving Vinod and his parents and a Rubik’s Cube. It’s the only place we actually feel anything, where we care about anyone. And then it’s back to Vinod and Subhiksha. Another filmmaker would have slowed down to highlight the conversations Raghu has with Vinod and with his wife during the climax. This is the whole why of the movie, it’s what we’ve been building towards. But these conversations are drowned out by the rah-rah background music, which is readying us for the final fight, where Vinod will rip his shirt off and reveal a six-pack. At least when it comes to ogling at physical assets, there’s no gender discrimination in Tamil cinema.