Chennai-based film maker Manoj Annadurai’s debut feature film, Get Happy, has won the USA’s prestigious Remi Award at the 49th WorldFest Houston International Film Festival, this April.
The award recognizes excellence in independent films and filmmaking. Previous recipients of the Remi Award include George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, the Coen Brothers and Ang Lee.
Get Happy is a story about depressed man, and how people around him help him ‘get happy’. The film has also been chosen as the Best Romantic Comedy at the Manhattan Film Festival. It was an official selection at the Montreal Film Festival.
Talking to Silverscreen, Manoj said “Film making has been my passion, but I got my opportunity pretty late. I started to write my own script, but it failed to materialize, so I chose the script of Get Happy by Tom Shipley which was suggested by a friend. Even before I started the movie, the script won a few awards.”
“The definition of happiness is different for every person. The film is an exploration of different schools of thought when it comes to happiness, “he said.
Manoj, who has not had prior experience in film making, had assisted Mysskin in the making of Onaayum Aatukuttiyum for a few days to get warmed up. “But still there were many challenges. Right from my car being stolen on the first day of shoot to battling the polar vortex of early 2014.” says Manoj.