With the Hrithik Roshan-starrer Super 30 releasing today, some critics have taken to social media to remind people that its director Vikas Bahl was cleared of sexual abuse allegations without following due procedure. He was given a clean chit last month by the Internal Complaints Committee of Phantom Films, the production house co-owned by him.
Ankur Pathak, the editor of Huffpost who first published the account of the ex-employee of Phantom Films who called out Bahl, said the production house has covered up the crime, given him a clean chit and the issue has died down now. “A film is a collaborative cultural product, sure, but that’s precisely why it cannot be analysed in isolation of Bahl’s misconduct. If you watch Super 30, watch it with the consciousness of Bahl’s actions,” he tweeted.
The production company, Phantom, covered-up the crime, had no procedures in place to address the situation and put the woman in situations where she had to face Bahl after the incident. In Oct last year, Kashyap told me "We didn't handle it well. Can't blame anyone but myself."
— Ankur Pathak (@aktalkies) July 12, 2019
Yet, despite overwhelming evidence, Bahl was given a ‘clean chit’ by a committee that was setup by Phantom (misreported earlier as committee set up by Reliance). Such stunning were the violations in procedures that a lawyer told me “there’s nothing legal about this, it’s a joke.”
— Ankur Pathak (@aktalkies) July 12, 2019
Lot has been said about art vs artist. Won’t get into that. A film is a collaborative cultural product sure but that’s precisely why it cannot be analysed in isolation of its director’s misconduct. If you watch, watch it with the consciousness of Bahl’s actions.
— Ankur Pathak (@aktalkies) July 12, 2019
Several others on Twitter asked for the film to be boycotted, saying the artist cannot be separated from his work.
Just for you to know he was accused of sexual harassment by multiple women and their claim were substantiated by many others with repeated complaints as well. You can't separate art from the man. He'll go on to make films and harass many more women moving forward#Super30
— Boisterous (@boisterous09) July 10, 2019
Just a reminder, #Super30 director Vikas (not so Super) Bahl is accused of multiple counts of sexual harassment and altogether yucky behavior.
— KH (@kirtanaha) July 12, 2019
Some reasons why you shouldn't watch Super 30:
1. Vikas Bahl is a sexual abuser.
2. Hrithik Roshan is not a good actor.
3. Just because you darkened the protagonist's skin tone doesn't make it nuanced cinema.
4. Refer to point 1 again. #Super30 https://t.co/QvsWOY2F4m— PINKMAN (@GumnamSingh2) July 12, 2019
Days before release, Hrithik Roshan said he completely supported the MeToo movement but it should be law abiding. “Like everything else, this movement also has to follow the law of the land. Charges have to be pressed and substantiated in the proper manner. I may feel strongly about something, but we cannot take the law in our hands and dole out mob justice. Since a designated ICC committee has exonerated Vikas, we are not in a position to take away his credit,” he said.
The allegation was made in 2015 but it was reported only last year during MeToo movement. Following huge protests, Hrithik said that he will not work with anyone guilty of sexual harassment and asked Reliance Entertainment, the co-producers of the film to take a harsh stand.
Last month, Phantom Films issued a statement saying they probed the matter with diligence, and cleared Bahl of all charges even though the woman who made the allegation never appeared before the committee for investigation.
The police case filed by her against the director is still pending. The media reports and outrage around the issue have died down.
Image Courtesy: IndiaTV News