The Hindu Sena, a right wing political group, has asked the Ministry of Home Affairs to investigate the Hindi film Haseena Parkar, for allegedly justifying the 1993 Mumbai blast.
India Today reproduced the letter from Hindu Sena, in which the group says that the movie, based on the life of Dawood Ibrahim’s sister Haseena Parkar, and centered around the 1993 Mumbai blast, shows the police in bad light. The Hindu Sena also claimed that the film was an attempt to gather sympathy for Dawood’s family.
The group also alleged that the film may be funded by underworld money launderers and that black money sourced from extortion may be used to produce the film. The group has requested the Home Ministry to order an investigation into the producers and the funding for the film.
The film which stars Shraddha Kapoor, and is directed by Apoorva Lakhia, earlier ran into trouble with M&M Designs, a company that supplied costumes. A criminal complaint was filed against the producers for reportedly reneging on a contract. M&M Designs had claimed that Haseena Parkar producers will promote and publicise M&M Designs in all the film’s marketing, but had failed to keep up their agreement.
The film also stars Sidharth Kapoor and Ankur Bhatia.