Hollywood News

James Cromwell Sentenced to Jail For Protest

James Cromwell Jail

Actor James Cromwell, known for his roles in Star Trek, Babe, The Green Mile, and L.A. Confidential, among others, has been sentenced to jail. In 2015, the actor protested the setting up of a power plant in New York state. 

James Cromwell, and six other activists had claimed that the power plant will emit dangerous toxins into the environment, as well as encourage fracking – a process by which high-power water jets bore into the earth, and rock formations, to release natural gas. Cromwell and the others were charged fines for disorderly conduct, and released. However, they refused to pay the fines even as the deadline to pay it expired. 


A court in the state therefore sentenced James Cromwell to jail for one week. James will have to report to Orange County jail next month, to fulfill their sentence. 

“If we don’t stay together, nothing will change,” Cromwell said on his sentence. “Power to the people.”

James Cromwell has in the past, also lent support to various causes, including animal rights, anti-Vietnam war, and the Black Panthers and other pro-black movements.