Jayam Ravi will reportedly play the role of a tribesman in his film with director Vijay. The film is said to be an action romance. According to reports, it will also have historical elements, with most of the shooting taking place in the Andamans and Thailand, in addition to a short schedule in Chennai.The actor will reportedly sport a ‘beefed up’ look for the film.
The film’s shooting began on Vinayak Chathurthi, considered an auspicious day. On Monday, actor Sayyesha Saigal took to Twitter to announce her association with the film.
Happy to be part of director #Vijay sir's film with @actor_jayamravi
My tamil debut! 💃 so excited pic.twitter.com/6eljTHMtxH— Sayyeshaa (@sayyeshaa) September 5, 2016
The makers of the film promise a commercial entertainer. Harris Jayaraj will be composing the music, marking his first ever project with Vijay. The director, who made his directorial debut in Kollywood with Kireedam in 2007, will be collaborating with the cameraman from his first film, Thirunavukarasu (Tirru), for this project. The film has actors AL Azhagappan and Thambi Ramaiah in supporting roles, with the project being bankrolled by Think Big Studios.
Jayam Ravi sported a muscular look for Bhooloham last year, a film inspired by Asian boxing champion Madhan’s life. For the film, the actor reportedly underwent a special training course in boxing for his role with professional athlete, K Prasad, overseeing his progress.
Meanwhile, Ravi, who is also collaborating with Vijay for the first time, recently announced another film of his, calling it the ‘first Indian space film’ with director Shakti Sounder Rajan. The film, titled Tik Tik Tik, will be set in space and produced by Hitesh Jhabak under the Nemichand Jhabak banner. D Imman will be composing music for this film, too, having worked with Ravi in Miruthan and their upcoming film Bogan.
#TikTikTik is the title of @actor_jayamravi's #FirstIndianSpaceFilm! #RaceAgainstTime @ShaktiRajan @JabaksMovies pic.twitter.com/WmOkEWTxNJ
— Anirudh Ravichander (@anirudhofficial) September 2, 2016