Actor Kritika Chaudhary was allegedly killed as the result of a drug deal gone wrong, The Quint has reported. Police say that Chaudhary used to purchase drugs like MDMA, meow meow from two men, who eventually killed her for owing them money. The actor was found dead a month ago in her home at Four Bungalows, Bangalore.
Two men, Naseem Khan and Badshah Basudas Makmalal, have been arrested for the crime. The men were spotted in CCTV recordings, police have said.
A blood-stained shirt of one of the accused was also found at the crime scene, which led the police to zero in on them.
A source at the Mumbai Police told Quint:
“Chaudhary had purchased drugs from Khan a year ago, and did not pay him. On the night she was murdered, the two had visited Choudhary’s apartment to collect the money she owed them. However, the argument escalated and in a fit of rage, the accused hit Kritika with a knuckle duster, and left her bleeding. They put the apartment’s air conditioner so that it would suppress the smell, and delay the discovery of her corpse.”
After committing the murder, the duo fled to Panvel, Mumbai. The two were produced at a magistrate’s court on Monday, and have been remanded in police custody for a week.