Bengaluru-based Roshini Dinaker, who made her directorial debut with the Malayalam My Story, has alleged that her film is the victim of a planned attack. The romantic comedy starring Prithviraj and Parvathy hit screens last week and has been the subject of many online trolls and abusers. According to a report in The Hindu, Roshini, who is also the film’s producer, told presspersons that she has approached the Bengaluru police against the collective social media attacks on her film.
She alleged that besides the negative comments and reviews, some people have also deleted the film’s trailer from online platforms.
#Mystory will be the biggest disaster ever in malayalam film industry.
2nd day status 👎👎👎— Kerala Box Office (@KeralaBxOffce) July 7, 2018
Earlier, the songs of the film were subject to similar trolling. Actress Parvathy faced a barrage of negative comments after the release of the trailer, similar to the ones she faced on social media for her remarks against certain misogynistic dialogues by the character played by actor Mammootty in the movie Kasaba.
It must be mentioned that Parvathy is among the three actresses who have written to AMMA (Association of Malayalam Movie Artistes) seeking an emergency executive meeting following the decision to reinstate actor Dileep, an accused in the assault on an actress last year.
The director also asked why people were attacking her big-budget movie for comments made by Parvathy. Earlier, in January this year, in an interview to The Times Of India, Roshini, who has worked as a costume designer in South Indian films for nearly 14 years, wondered why there was so much hatred against Parvathy when basic human nature is to love.
Besides Prithiviraj and Parvathy, My Story, a romantic comedy, stars Roger Narayan as the antagonist, besides Manoj K Jayan and Manianpillai Raju in supporting roles. This is the lead actors’ second collaboration after VS Vimal’s haunting romantic-drama Ennu Ninte Moideen, which went on to receive critical and commercial acclaim.