The trailer of NOTA has Vijay Deverakonda as the Chief Minister. The press call him the dummy CM, and he is often derided for the way he chooses to live his life. Scenes depicting Vijay’s drug use and partying only serve to make Deverakonda look more like an irresponsible person occupying a set of great power.
Soon enough, the dummy CM starts to get in on the action.
Here’s the #NOTA Tamil Trailer!
Hey #Rowdy @TheDeverakonda Hearty welcome to the Tamil Film Industry! Be loved and blessed as always..!! #NOTATrailer @Mehreenpirzada @SamCSmusic @dop_santha @kegvraja @StudioGreen2 @LahariMusic
— Suriya Sivakumar (@Suriya_offl) September 6, 2018
The one and a half minute trailer shows the emotional highs and lows that eventually make Vijay take his role more seriously.
Sathyaraj, who is shown to be a mentor to Vijay, walks away with the best lines. It’s become a sort of fashion to issue midnight press releases, he says in one scene. In another, when Vijay says that he does not have any experience to be the CM, Sathyaraj quips: “Have you ever directly gone to the last level of a video game and played it?”. So we’re to understand that Deverakonda taking on the mantle of the highest office in the State is quite something like that.
NOTA also takes a lot of effort to portray the grimy reality of political life. A saint (saamiyar) is portrayed as a major power player in the State. Nasser’s politician character is seen doing things at the advice of the saint. Meanwhile, director Anand Shankar also shows Mehreen Pirzada as a journalist who does not shy away from asking tough questions.
The trailer hints at a riot in the State and perhaps, it’s time for Deverakonda’s dummy CM to truly rise up to the task.
In an earlier interview, director Anand Shankar likened the relationship between Sathyaraj and Deverakonda to that of Amitabh Bachchan and Abhishek Bachchan in Sarkar Raj.
He said, “The film will have political elements, as well as drama. Sathyaraj and Deverakonda play powerful roles and full of depth, similar to what Amitabh Bachchan and Abhishek had essayed in Sarkar Raj.”
Actor Suriya launched the trailer on hi social media account earlier today. The film is expected to release later this year.
Watch the trailer here: