The war between fans of actors Vijay and Ajith seems never-ending. Yesterday, when Vijay’s fans coined the hashtag ‘#HBDDearVijay’ as a gesture of support towards the star, a bunch of Ajith’s fans created #VijayTheCurseOnCinema in response. As this hashtag began trending on Twitter, actor Silambarasan intervened, and called for peace:
As a true #Thala fan I request fans and haters to stop negative tags since that’s not our intension and what v r … #Liveandletlive Thanks
— STR (@iam_str) June 22, 2015
He also called for responsible show of support from fans:
I request all fans of any big or small stars to show their love and support for their beloved star instead of hating and putting down others
— STR (@iam_str) June 22, 2015
Many Twitter users then lauded STR for his remarks on the issue, even as he went on to say that he could use this situation to call out those who troll him, but he would refrain from doing so because he’s ‘matured’.
I can very well utilize the situation to those who trolled and insulted me ..But let’s us b matured and humane since that’s r true nature
— STR (@iam_str) June 22, 2015