The efforts taken by actor Vishal, who is also Secretary of the Nadigar Sangam and President of the Tamil Film Producers’ Council, to tackle piracy within the Tamil film industry have yielded rich benefits, with links of nearly 4 lakh films being taken down. And now, the anti-piracy team of the TFPC, led by Shiva Kumar, has been called for a meeting with the Central Government to discuss ‘technical drawbacks’. The Department of Industrial Promotion and Policy (DIPP) has also identified it as the best anti-piracy cell in India.
A spokesperson for Vishal says plans are on to soon meet representatives of the Centre.
“The TFPC President is ecstatic that the efforts of the Council have been recognised. But, work is not over yet. while piracy is not as rampant as it was before, it still poses a threat. Now that we have been given a special administrator’s tool to remove illegal film content uploaded online, things will become easier. We will have more control over the process, and it will aid us in our fight to eradicate piracy in totality,” he said.
He says the Government’s support has given their cause a big boost. “Earlier on, the call to eradicate piracy was not heard of much, as it was not considered important. Now, greater awareness has set in.”
According to Shiva Kumar, the efforts to curb piracy had been severely restricted due to lack of Government support – blocking a domain was a long-draw-out procedure. Till now, the TFPC was only able to track sites that had illegal film content and report them to the Intellectual Property Recovery team of the Police, and go through some more steps before TRAI stepped in and directed Internet Service Providers to block the site.
The team has also compiled a comprehensive report detailing strategies and methodologies to help eradicate piracy. It is to also request the Centre Government to form panels for each State and empower them enough so that a piracy site can be blocked as soon as it is reported.