Actor Vijay Deverakonda has won the best actor award for his outstanding performance in Arjun Reddy at the 65th Jio Filmfare Awards (South) 2018. The actor has also announced that he would like to auction his maiden Filmfare Award and donate the money towards the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund (CMRF).
The actor expressed his happiness for donating the award for the benefit of the city in his series of tweets. “This award is a bonus. But I’d like it to give it away to the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund. If they accept it, I’ll go and hand it over to them. Rather than being on my shelf at home it will be more useful for the city,” Vijay tweeted.
Vijay also said that if his award can be auctioned and if the money can be raised to help the needy, that would be his epic first win.
Roju Twitter lo Chusta, entho mandi help adigithe, @KTRTRS anna CMRF nundi help chestaru. If my first award can be auctioned and money/awareness can be raised towards this, That'll be an epic 1st award.
— Vijay Deverakonda (@TheDeverakonda) June 17, 2018
In response to the actor’s kind gesture, KTR congratulated him and said that he would get back to him on what could be done about his proposed idea.
Vijay, many congratulations on winning your first Filmfare 👏
Delighted you want to support the Chief Minister’s relief fund. My compliments to your thoughtful gesture👍
A D V E R T I S E M E N TLet me revert on how we can go about this. Congrats again
— KTR (@KTRBRS) June 17, 2018
“I don’t know how it will work, but I have committed to this. Now this is step one to make it successful. Let’s make this happen,” Vijay went on to say.