Tamil News

Big Boss Episode 9: Gayatri Raguram and Juliana fight over Tamizh Thaai Vaazhthu

Gayatri Raghuram Casteism


Drama unfolded yesterday on the Big Boss Show when Gayathri Raguram and Juliana had a face off. Every contestant in the house was asked to sing the Tamizh Thaai Vaazhthu by Big Boss. When it was Gayathri’s turn, the choreographer said that as she had studied in a Punjabi school, she was not used to singing the song, and that she was okay with her performance. Juliana, before singing, sarcastically looked at Gayathri and mentioned that she had studied in an Anglo Indian school. Gayathri then snapped at Juliana for her scarcastic look, and told her that if she continued to remain fake, she could not stay in the house.

A furious Juliana returned to her room and wept, while Oviya and Raiza came to her rescue. At the end of the episode, Big Boss announced a ‘funny’ punishment for Raiza, Gayathri Raguram and Namitha for conversing in English — the basic rule in the house is that everyone should speak only in Tamil.