The trailer of Suriya’s Kaappaan dropped at 7pm last night and to be honest, it didn’t really reveal much. Directed by KV Anand, starring Suriya, this marks the third collaboration of the duo after Ayan and Maatran. It has music by Harris Jayaraj, and M.S. Prabhu on the camera.
Suriya seems to be playing someone associated with either the defense or some Indian intelligence agency. Through the trailer, he’s on some mission and also sports different looks. Mohanlal plays the Prime Minister, who escapes a deadly missile attack. Sayyeshaa, who’s allegedly playing the PM’s secretary, doesn’t have much to do in the trailer and features in bits of song sequences and romance portions. Here’s hoping there’s much more to her role than the trailer lets on. Arya is said to be the son of the Prime Minister and he gets a few seconds. An extensive action sequence takes place at night and we get to see glimpses of it.
In short, it’s a lot of action. Does it go somewhere from there? Here’s hoping…
Here we go…!!!#KaappaanTrailer#KaappaanFromSep20#BandobastFromSep20 @Mohanlal @arya_offl @sayyeshaa @bomanirani @thondankani @Jharrisjayaraj @msprabhuDop @editoranthony @drkkiran1
— Suriya Sivakumar (@Suriya_offl) September 4, 2019
Kaappaan is will hit the screens on September 20.