Following the success of LKG and Comali, producer Ishari K Ganesh is gearing up for the release of his next film Puppy on October 11. Directed by debut filmmaker Nattu, who goes by the moniker ‘Morattu Single’, the film has Varun and Samyuktha Hegde in lead roles with Yogi Babu, Marimuthu, Thangadurai among others. The film’s musical score is by Dharan and cinematography by Deepak Kumar Pathy. Excerpts from the press interaction of the cast and crew…
Varun, who plays the hero, said, “Puppy marks my debut as an actor in the lead role. More than me becoming a successful actor with this film, I strongly believe that it will be a hat-trick success of my uncle Ishari K Ganesh’s Vels Film International for he has been producing unique movies. The director’s clarity and determination in getting what he visualised is extraordinary. Samyuktha and I had some intimate scenes, which left both of us in laughter most of the times. Having been great friends, we would burst into laughter and the director himself get tensed at times. There are two heroes and heroines in this movie. Yogi Babu and I are the heroes while Samyuktha and Puppy (a female labrador) will be another one.” While Samyuktha quipped, “I was only halfway through this film when I was included in Comali.” Producer Ishari K Ganesh said, “We have made Puppy for teenage audiences. The film’s director narrated the story and I had confidence in him that he will definitely translate what he wrote as a script, into a perfect visual output.”
Nattu alias Morattu Single said that the film will be a good family entertainer, that parents can watch with. And that there is no vulgarity in the movie and it depicts nothing short of reality.
Varun, who plays the hero, said, “Puppy marks my debut as an actor in the lead role. More than me becoming a successful actor with this film, I strongly believe that it will be a hat-trick success of my uncle Ishari K Ganesh’s Vels Film International for he has been producing unique movies. The director’s clarity and determination in getting what he visualised is extraordinary. Samyuktha and I had some intimate scenes, which left both of us in laughter most of the times. Having been great friends, we would burst into laughter and the director himself get tensed at times. There are two heroes and heroines in this movie. Yogi Babu and I are the heroes while Samyuktha and Puppy (a female labrador) will be another one.” While Samyuktha quipped, “I was only halfway through this film when I was included in Comali.” Producer Ishari K Ganesh said, “We have made Puppy for teenage audiences. The film’s director narrated the story and I had confidence in him that he will definitely translate what he wrote as a script, into a perfect visual output.”
Nattu alias Morattu Single said that the film will be a good family entertainer, that parents can watch with. And that there is no vulgarity in the movie and it depicts nothing short of reality.