Ahead of the release of Harish Kalyan’s latest film, Dhanusu Raasi Neyargalae (DRN) the stars seem to have smiled on the young actor. The production company that is bankrolling DRN has announced another project with the director Sanjay Bharathi and the actor.
The news comes directly from the film’s producer, Dr G. Dhananjayan of Creative Entertainers and Distributors. He has also revealed what the next project will be about to the press.
“Yes, we will be producing a film with Harish Kalyan in lead, directed by Sanjay Bharathi, which will be a supernatural action entertainer,” he said in his statement. “I have been in the industry for more than a decade. I am really excited by the response that the teaser, trailer and music of DRN have received,” he added.
The young director had approached the producer with a plot narration for his next and it seems to have captured his attention, “When Sanjay narrated the plot to me, it got my attention instantly! I couldn’t imagine anyone other than Harish for the movie and we agreed on that.”
The movie, however, is in a very nascent stage right now and the production company will release more details of the project once it is announced.
“We will start shooting the film by the second quarter of 2020 and will be soon making official announcements on the title, cast and crew along with release date,” he said. The producer is also involved with the production of Sibiraj’s Kabadadaari for Creative Entertainers and Distributors and will also be making his directorial debut that he will announce soon.