Following the success of Oththa Seruppu Size 7, actor-director-producer Radhakrishnan Parthiban has announced his next film titled Iravin Nizhal. The announcement came from actor-director Bharathiraja on the morning of 1st January on Facebook. The director congratulated and wished Parthiban luck for the film.
The film has been touted to be Asia’s first single-shot feature film, although several films in Asia have adopted the same technique. It is noteworthy that a Tamil horror film Agadam (2014) directed by Mohamad Issack is also among the list and happens to be the first Tamil feature film taken in one shot. It also claims to be the first film to be shot using night effects with a hand-held camera. It entered the Guinness World Records as the longest uncut film, with a run time of 2 hours, 3 minutes and 30 seconds, shot on 7 December 2012.
The cast and crew details of Iravin Nizhal are yet to be revealed by the actor.
Here is the title poster.
Meanwhile, his earlier feature Oththa Seruppu Size 7 did the rounds in the international festival circuit, Golden Globe and was recently also screened at the Chennai International Film Festival, 2019. The film solely featured Parthiban as a murder suspect who also took up the mantle of director and producer for the film.
Read: Oththa Seruppu Size 7 Movie Review: Parthiban And Resul Pookutty Together Keep This Story Moving
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