Rajinikanth starrer, AR Murugadoss’ Darbar released today. As always the First Day First Show at Rohini Silverscreens in Chennai was eventful with fans celebrating the release hours ahead, in the wee hours of the morning. Here’s a glimpse of the festival that is Tamil cinema, and how people celebrated it…
Fans waiting outside Rohini Silverscreens from 2 AM
They were waiting outside with coconut, camphor, milk packets etc for that famous paal abhishekam
A flag with Rajni’s face
As soon as the gates opened fans entered waving these flags and celebrated
This car was covered entirely in Rajinikanth photos and quotes. I saw them during the release of Petta as well. They said they’ve kept the car, as it was then.
And then it was time to celebrate with ‘paal abishegam’
Of course, crackers were burst, for this is like a festival for his fans
This huge balloon welcomed fans from far
A closer look at the balloon
Fans cut a huge cake and distributed it to everyone who came for the show. They then left it by the main gate for the public to have as well
Fans offer cake
This fan came up to me and said, “I have been seeing you from the time I came, you’ve running here and there taking photos. Here, have a piece of cake from me!”