The long-delayed Sasikumar starrer Nadodigal 2 helmed by actor-director Samuthirkani has finally hit screens today starting with afternoon shows. After several postponements last year, it was to finally release on Friday, the 31st of January but didn’t manage to once again owing to financial issues.
According to the petition filed against the film’s release by Praveen Kumar in the Madras high court, the producer of the film, Madras Enterprises’ S Nanthagopal is believed to have sold the Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry distribution rights to Praveen Kumar of FM Finances for a lumpsum of five crores and twenty-five lakhs. The distributor has, in turn, agreed to pay him an advance of three crores and fifty lakh while agreeing to settle the balance amount pretty soon. Meanwhile, producer Nanthagopal had sold the distribution rights to another company, Linda Big Pictures namely.
In response to this, the Madras high court had issued a stay order on the film’s release and asked for FM Finances to settle the balance amount of one crore seventy-five lakhs to producer Nanthagopal. To avoid further delay in the release of the film, Nanthagopal filed an urgent case against the stay order issued. On Friday, his lawyer Raghavachaari agreed to settle half of the amount procured from FM Finances immediately and requested the withdrawal of the stay order. Justice PT Asha, the judge for the case, complied with his request and withdrew the stay order issued against Nadodigal 2.
While the film was expected to hit the screens on Friday night, according to the tweets by actor Sasikumar and the production house, Madras Enterprises, shows for the film opened only today, on Saturday, in the afternoon.
#Naadodigal2 releasing tonight. Watch it in cinemas now.#Naadodigal2FromToday@SasikumarDir @thondankani @yoursanjali @AthulyaOfficial @justin_tunes @LindaBigPicture @SonyMusicSouth
— Madras Enterprises (@MadrasEnterpriz) January 31, 2020
Nadodigal 2 stars Sasikumar, Bharani, Anjali, Athulya Ravi in the lead roles with Gnanasambandam, Namo Narayana, Tulasi, Sri Ranjani in supporting roles. Justin Prabhakaran is composing music, NK Ekambaram is handling the camera, AL Ramesh is on the edit and Jacki is helming art. Stunt Silva is choreographing the action sequences. The film is the sequel to the super-hit 2009 drama-thriller Nadodigal that spoke of friendship and love. It has been certified U/A.
#Naadodigal2 – do watch it in theaters near you!!
Book your tickets ➡️…@SasikumarDir @thondankani @yoursanjali @AthulyaOfficial @justin_tunes @LindaBigPicture @SonyMusicSouth
— Madras Enterprises (@MadrasEnterpriz) February 1, 2020
Watch the trailer of Nadodigal 2 here.