Four major Tamil film industry players were under the IT scanner recently. According to a press statement issued by the IT Department, the people were all involved in the recent Tamil super hit film Bigil.
The IT raid on Actor Vijay’s properties and home made the headlines and had social media buzzing. According to a statement released by the Income Tax Department, “the common thread among these entities was the success of a recent film which was a box office hit, collecting around Rs. 300 crores.”
The entities referred to in the press statement are actor Vijay, Sundar Arumugam (the distributor of Bigil), AGS (the producer of the film), and Anbu Chezhiyan (financier). The statement says that the raid is still in process and they have seized “property documents, promissory notes, post-dated cheques taken as collateral security” and “ the seizure of unaccounted cash of around INR77cr” from properties in Chennai and Madurai, allegedly belonging to the financier, Anbu Chezhiyan.
Asked a source in Income Tax Department what they found from searches at Vijay house. “Nothing significant” was the answer. AGS? “Still going on”. Anbu Chezhian “65 crores”
— Dhanya Rajendran (@dhanyarajendran) February 6, 2020
In the early evening, it was revealed that the shoot of Master, Vijay’s next film has resumed without the actor, and he will return to the film’s sets tomorrow after completing the official formalities.