Vikram Prabhu, Shanthnu Bhagyaraj, Aishwarya Rajesh, and Madonna Sebastian starrer Vaanam Kottattum hits screens today. The film helmed by Dhana Sekaran of Padaiveeran fame is co-written by his mentor Mani Ratnam, whose home production Madras Talkies is bankrolling the film. This will be their third production after Azhagam Perumal’s Dumm Dumm Dumm and Susi Ganesan’s Five Star. It also stars real-life couple Sarathkumar and Radhika Sarathkumar in the lead roles.
Ahead of the release of the film, the couple shares its experience of working on the sets of Vaanam Kottattum.
“I’m glad that I’m an active part of several fields like production, writing, films, politics, and singing. For a certain period of time, I had kept away from films. Then we met Dhana, who narrated a script that truly talks of the bonding, happenings, joys and sorrows and the way all of this is dealt with, within a family. Both of us really liked the story and we decided to take up the roles with utmost pleasure,” said actor Sarathkumar.
He added, “We’ve never had the thought of competing with each other. Just like all the other actors who have performed, we looked at what was required for our respective roles and did just that.”
Speaking about wife, Radhika, he said, “She usually sticks to certain rules while doing films, but she somehow let go of those for this film. The only thing I don’t like about her is her temper. She instantly expresses her anger when she’s not happy about something, which I believe isn’t the right thing to do. In every other way, she’s a wonderful person.”
Radhikaa said, “We always respect the work we take up and do it willingly. I think that’s the reason we’re into so many fields and not just cinema. I would also say that it’s because of God’s kindness. We never had the thought of working on a film together. A lot of filmmakers narrated stories to us, but somewhere nothing fell in place. Then came Dhana, with beautifully designed characters and a gripping narrative, to whom we gave the nod. Just as he said, we never compete with each other.”
“I usually don’t work after 6 pm and if it’s a Sunday, there’s no way I’d be on set. But for this film, I somehow did not follow any of those rules. Dhana is very clear about his work and the staging of scenes. He wouldn’t film anything that would be rendered useless,” added the actress.
Speaking about Sarathkumar, she said, “He essays a fierce role in the film. In real life, he is a gentleman and puts in tremendous effort in every field he ventures into. The only thing that I don’t like about him is his naive nature of offering more than what even Karnan would offer to people. He wouldn’t give a second thought to whether the person is actually in need or is just trying to fool around and that makes me furious.”
Vaanam Kottattum also stars Nandaa, Amitash Pradhan, Balaji Sakthivel, and Madhusudhan Rao in significant roles. Preetha Jayaraman is cranking camera with K Kadhir helming art and Sid Sriram debuting as a composer with the film. Sangathamizhan E will be taking up editing responsibilities with ‘Stunner’ Sam choreographing action sequences.
Vaanam Kottattum is releasing in theatres today. Watch the trailer here.