The star cast of the upcoming Sibiraj starrer, Kabadadaari, has an interesting new addition, filmmaker Pradeep Krishnamoorthy. The director has been roped in for a special appearance in the film. Speaking about this development, the producer of Kabadadaari G Dhananjayan, said, “This is a film that is close to our hearts. It is an interesting story, and a major chunk of the work was in casting the right actors for these roles. It has proved to be a good method for us.”
About Pradeep Krishnamoorthy’s role, Dhananjayan said, “For one of the characters, I had in mind a person with a particularly stylish look and physique. After considering many actors, I personally thought that Pradeep would fit the bill. It took some convincing, but, he agreed and has given a great performance.”
Kabadadaari is produced by Lalitha Dhananjayan for Creative Entertainers and Distributors and is scheduled for summer a 2020 release. Featuring Sibiraj and Nandita Swetha in the lead, the film also stars Nasser, Jayaprakash, Suman Ranganathan and others. It is a remake of the critically acclaimed Kannada thriller film Kavaludaari.
Simon K King is composing music and Rasamathi is handling the cinematography for this film. Art direction is being led by National Award winner Praveen KL. The technical crew includes M Hemanth Rao (story) and Dhananjayan Govind-John Mahendran (adapted screenplay-dialogues).