Sriya Reddy is planning a pre-Deepavali celebration on the sets of her comeback film, Andaava Kaanom. The actress is keen on celebrating the festival with the people of Theni, where she is currently shooting the film. Revealing the reason behind this decision, Sriya said:
We had been shooting here for the past two months.They had been tremendous, be it their hospitality or their co-operation to ensure the smooth conduct of the shooting. Many of them had acted too, and trust me they were spontaneous. It was an absolute fun filled learning experience to interact and work with them. I never missed my home thanks to them, and may be back home for the festival i might miss them. Our unit were all in one voice and thought over the ‘Thanks giving’ . We decided to pre pone the festival to the 18th of October and surprise them with our good will and gesture.
Helmed by newcomer Vadivel, Andaava Kaanom is a rustic film and is produced by Rajkumar of Leo Visions.