The teaser of actor Vishnu Vishal starrer FIR – Faizal Ibrahim Rais helmed by Manu Anand, a former associate of Gautham Menon, dropped in January. In the racy teaser, Vishnu Vishal’s character, called Abu Bakkar Abdulla originally, was seen being framed as a terrorist for being very religious. The teaser also offered glimpses of the female leads Rebba Monica John, Manjima Mohan, and Raiza Wilson and actor-director Gautham Menon.
Read: Vishnu Vishal Is Calm Yet Intense In The ‘FIR’ Teaser: Out Now
On Friday, on the occasion of Vishnu Vishal’s birthday, the makers, Vishnu’s home banner Vishnuu Vishal Studioz put out a surprise video with the question ‘Who Is Irfan Ahmed?’. The video saw a brief introduction to Vishnu Vishal’s character without divulging too many details and leaving the viewer with questions as to who he really is—an innocent man or a terrorist or a loving son or a man with beliefs?
The question now on my mind is, what is his actual name? Or is this a deliberate attempt to intrigue the viewer?
Here we go💥#WhoIsIrfanAhmed – An Introduction Video of @TheVishnuVishal‘s character in #FIR 💪
Also a quick Tease of the Theme Track by @MusicAshwath 🎸
▶️ @itsmanuanand @menongautham @vincentcinema @editor_prasanna @onlynikil
— VishnuuVishalStudioz (@VVStudioz) July 17, 2020
The film revolves around a terror plank, wherein a young Muslim boy finds himself in a difficult circumstance. Apart from the leads, South Indian movie tracker Prashanth Rangaswamy and Gaurav Narayanan have also landed significant roles in the film. Arul Vincent will be handling the camera with N Ashwath composing music and Prasanna GK on the edit. Stunt Silva will be choreographing action sequences for the film.
The team has finished recording the opening song of the film rendered by Sathya Prakash with lyrics penned by Bagavathy Krishnan and a song titled ‘Payanam’ rendered by Abhay Jodhpurkar. The actor’s VV Studioz has stalled all post-production and promotional activity for their films and requested people to practice social distancing.
Meanwhile, Vishnu Vishal who was last seen in Silukkuvarpatti Singam, will next be seen in Murali Karthick‘s Mohandas and Prabhu Solomon’s Kaadan. While the former recently put out the title announcement teaser, the latter was set for release on April 2nd, 2020 and has now been postponed indefinitely due to the pandemic imposed lockdown.