Actor Naga Shaurya‘s upcoming Telugu film has been titled Lakshya. Shaurya tweeted out a poster of the film along with the name on Monday.
“ LAKSHYA “ – A journey to conquer himself@nseplofficial @SVCLLP @sharrath_marar @Santhosshjagar1 #Ketikasharma@RaamDop @kaalabhairava7 @EditorJunaid #NS20#IndiasFirstFilmonArchery#Archery
— Naga Shaurya (@IamNagashaurya) November 30, 2020
Lakshya is a new-age sports drama in which Naga Shaurya plays the role of an archer who wants to compete at the Olympics. Speaking with The Times of India in July, Naga Shaurya had said, “I play an archer who’s headed to the Olympics. The lockdown gave me the time to work out more to look better for this role. I even trained with a professional archer to learn the nuances of the sport and get the body language right.”
In addition to training under a professional archer, Naga Shaurya also worked with a celebrity fitness trainer to prepare for the role. This will be Shaurya’s 20th film.
According to the filmmakers, Lakshya (which translates to ‘Target’ in English) will be India’s first feature film on archery. The first-look poster, released in July, depicted Shaurya as an archer.
His mind, his soul are together now. The target is just a mere thing.@nseplofficial @SVCLLP @sharrath_marar#Ketikasharma @Santhosshjagar1 @RaamDop @kaalabhairava7 @EditorJunaid@baraju_SuperHit#NS20Firstlook#IndiasFirstFilmonArchery#Archery
— Naga Shaurya (@IamNagashaurya) July 27, 2020
Lakshya also features Ketika Sharma in a leading role. Details on her role have not yet been announced.
Lakshya is directed by Santhosh Jagarlapudi and produced by Narayan Das K Narang, Puskur Ram Mohan Rao and Sharrath Marar under the banner of Sree Venkateswara Cinemas LLP along with Northstar Entertainment. Lakshya is Jagarlapudi’s second directorial venture after 2018 Telugu film Subrahmanyapuram.
Raam Reddy will be handling the cinematography while Junaid Siddiqui will be the editor for the film. The music for the film will be composed by Kaala Bhairava.
The film was first launched in October 2019. There has been no official announcement on the release date of the film as yet.