Gopichand Malineni, the filmmaker who helmed the recently-released Telugu film Krack, has filed a complaint with the Telugu Film Directors’ Association against the film’s producer B Madhu on Wednesday over non-payment of his pending remuneration.
Krack, starring Ravi Teja, Shruti Haasan, Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, and Samuthirakani, released on January 9. It became the first big-budget Telugu film to be released in theatres after Solo Brathuke So Better released in December 2020.
Speaking to Silverscreen India, the publicity manager of the film Vamsi Shekar said, “The director has filed a complaint seeking his pending remuneration of more than Rs 1 crore. The producer is currently busy with his daughter’s wedding, which is in a couple of weeks. He will decide later how to go about the issue. It is currently at the discussion stage.”
When Silverscreen India contacted the director, he refused to comment and said, “The complaint is with the director’s union and I don’t want to talk about it.”
On January 9, the morning shows of the film were stalled due to differences between the film’s financiers and producer. While the film’s US shows were cancelled, morning shows in India, in both multiplexes and single-screen theatres, were delayed after financiers demanded that Madhu settle their dues before releasing the film. After the issues were resolved, Krack began to run in theatres from 9 pm that day. However, the cancellation of morning shows had put theatre owners in distress.
Despite opening amid a financial tussle to halls which were then operating at 50% seating capacity, Krack, along with its Malayalam and Tamil dubbed versions, grossed Rs 62.5 crore (till February 7). It became the highest-grossing film of Teja’s career.
Krack released on the Telugu OTT platform Aha Video on February 6, four weeks after its theatrical release.