The International Film Festival of Kerala (IFFK) wrapped up on Friday evening with the announcement of awards for the best films and filmmakers. According to a press release, the South African film This Is Not A Burial, It’s A Resurrection, by Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese, won the Suvarna Chakoram for the best film.
Veteran filmmaker Adoor Gopalakrishnan was the special guest for the evening and he gave away the awards at the closing ceremony held at Priya Theatre.
Mary Twala won the jury’s special mention for her acting in the film This Is Not A Burial, It’s A Resurrection. According to the press release, the jury said, “Her (Twala) fierce yet sage performance in This is Not a Burial, It’s a Resurrection will remain an eternal inspiration in the world of cinema. Though she passed away soon after completing the film at the age of 80, she leaves behind a courageous and dignified image of the human body and the celebration of the spirit of innovation and commitment to her art.”
In his virtual acceptance speech, Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese said the film, This Is Not A Burial, It’s A Resurrection, was a “labour of love”. He also said that it was shot in the most difficult conditions but “at the end of the day we had a film we were proud of.”
Churuli directed by Lijo Jose Pellissery was selected as the most popular film at the festival. The director also received a Special Mention from the Jury for Best Director in the International Competition category.
Bahman Tavoosi, who directed The Names of the Flowers, won the Rajata Chakoram for the best director. The jury in the press release said that they were impressed by Tavoosi’s “thoughtful and unhurried ability to allow the rhythms and colours of the landscapes, the wrinkled body, and face of the protagonist and a bowl of soup to tell a powerful political tale of responsibility to personal truth even in the face of despotic forces.”
Alejandro Telemaco Tarraf, who directed Piedra Sola, won the Rajata Chakoram for the best debut director.
Among the NETPAC awards, Chronicle Of Space / Sthalpuran directed by Akshay Indikar won the Best Asian Film in Competition. While NETPAC Award for the Best Malayalam Film was awarded to Musical Chair directed by Vipin Atley.
According to the official website, IFFK is hosted by the Kerala State Chalachitra Academy on behalf of theKerala government’s Department of Cultural Affairs. The festival aims at presenting a selection of the best of world cinema and a competition section exclusively for films from Asian, African, and Latin American countries.
The IFFK also showcases the best of Malayalam cinema for the international audience.
For the complete list of winners, please see here.