Kaththi has created a box office record in the US. The film has earned around $142,ooo (86 lakhs) on its opening day in 76 theatres around the country. According to early estimates, the film is expected to reach the $500,000 (30 lakhs) mark soon, which will make Kaththi the first non- Rajini or Kamal film to do so. Right now, the top five highest grossers are Endhiran, Vishwaroopam, Sivaji, Dasavatharam and Kochadaiiyaan.
Closer home, the film’s distributor for Karnataka, Fox Star Studios has reported earnings of 2 crores from the state on its opening day from over a hundred screens – a first for a Tamil movie there. Also, owing to Vijay’s rabid fan base in Kerala, the film has also been declared a hit in the state, with industry insiders reporting that the movie is well on its way to beating Jilla at box office earnings.