Dhanush‘s next with Balaji Mohan went on floors today. Starring Kajal Aggarwal and the VIP actor in lead roles, the film is being produced by Radhika Sarathkumar and Listin Stephen for Magic Frames. Kajal is said to have a ‘meaty’ role in the film and will be seen in Tamil after a gap of one year.
Kajal and Dhanush were earlier supposed to team up for Polladhavan, but it did not materialise.
Meanwhile, Dhanush is on a roll. His Velaiyilla Pattathari has completed a succesful hundred-day run at the box office and his second Hindi film, Shamitabh is gearing up for release. We hear that once he completes this film, he will move on to Vetrimaaran’s Soodhadi, where he will share screen-space with R Parthiban.