Rajinikanth was conferred with the ‘Centenary Award for Indian Film Personality of the Year’ at the 45th International Film Festival of India that was inaugurated in Goa yesterday. The actor dedicated the award to film fraternity and his fans. Speaking to NDTV in Goa, Rajinikanth said that he was pleased by the warm welcome and felt honoured to receive the award. When asked if he would do a film with Amitabh Bachchan, Rajinikanth said, “You must ask Amitji.” The reporter tried prodding him about his political ambitions, but Rajinikanth refused to take questions on politics.
Amitabh Bachchan, who was the chief guest at the inauguration, said that Rajinikanth is a very dear friend to him and both families share a great relationship. Bachchan added that Rajinikanth deserves more recognition, and that he is an “incredible phenomena”.