Bharathiraja will act and direct a new film titled OM – short for Old Man. The film follows a retired man who travels to the US and his relationship with a young Indian NRI woman. In an interview to Ananda Vikatan, Bharathiraja says,”I bought this script over eight years ago. In the meantime, I did Bommalattam. Even though I did not act in the film, the Nana Patekar character had strong echoes of me.”
But, when he rediscovered this film recently, he found out that this was the perfect film for him to act. “Om is a emotional experience. The old man behaves like a child, while the young girl is mature beyond her years. How they travel together is the story.” The film’s one line is reminiscent of an older Bharathiraja classic – Mudhal Mariyadhai, but he denies any similarities. “This is completely different. Om is more lighthearted and less darker!”
Bharathiraja has roped in Yuvan Shankar Raja to compose the music for the film.