At the audio launch of Sarath Kumar’s Sandamarudham, Radha Ravi said that producers should avoid conducting promotional events. Delivering a harangue of sorts, Radha Ravi said, “Someone in this group would observe all that happens here and go to the court just a week before the release of the movie, claiming that the story of the film is stolen from him. My question to those who do that is, why can’t you go to the court when we launch the movie? Why do you choose to go during the release?”
The angry actor employed obscene language and double entendre, making everyone in the audience cringe. “Cuss words are my breath. Everyone knows that is how I speak. Even at the sets of Lingaa, I told Rajini sir that I can never live without using cuss words.”
Radha Ravi added that movie critics don’t understand the hard work that goes into making a film. “After the release of Lingaa, I couldn’t get hold of KS Ravikumar or Rajini sir. They were extremely pressurized by the plagiarism allegations against them and the critics slammed the movie saying that it is very long. And for a producer, there won’t be anything more excruciating than being made to deposit Rs 3 crores before the release of the film.”
Nobody lodged complaints against Jai Shankar, whose films were loosely based on James Bond movies, he said. “Whoever goes to the court now to stop the release of the film, should have lived during MGR’s period. He would have taught them the right lesson. All the artistes and directors should unite to solve this pressing problem.”