Actor-director Parthiepan, who is all set to host the audio launch of Uttama Villain, has a busy year ahead. Speaking to Silverscreen, the actor explained that he is now dividing his time between the sets of Suriya’s Masss and Vijay Sethupathi’s Naanum Rowdy Dhan.
Before he completes Masss and Naanum Rowdy Dhan, the cast and crew for his next directorial, Kadhai Iruku, which is said to be a sequel to Kathai Thiraikathai Vasanam Iyakkam (KTVI), will be finalized, he added. As we had reported earlier Akhila Kishore, who played the female lead in KTVI, has been signed on for Kadhai Iruku as well.
The official announcement about Kadhai Iruku will be made as soon as the makers finalise the rest of the cast and crew.