Audio album of actor Prashanth’s upcoming Saahasam will be launched in a grand manner in Malaysia, said actor-producer Thiyagarajan in an interview to the Tamil newspaper, Malaysia Nanban. Thiyagarajan said that he was busy making arrangements for the audio launch which would be held in May. However, a date hasn’t been fixed as yet.
He also added that the team will be shooting an entire song in Malaysia, and the producer has plans to rope in Malaysian actors for it.
Directed by Arun Raj Varma, Saahasam features Prashanth and Australian actress Amanda in the lead roles. Actors Nasser, Thulasi, Sonu Sood, Thambi Ramaiah, Raj Kapoor, MS Bhaskar, John Vijay and Kota Srinivasa Rao are a part of the supporting cast. Produced by Staar Movies, this film has music composed by S Thaman.