Actor-director Pandiyarajan might remake his classic mega hit film Aan Paavam with his son Prithvi. Pandiyarajan told The Times of India that he decided not to sell the remake rights of the movie to anyone as he wanted to remake the film with his son as the hero. He added that this was the right time to cast his son in the role that gave him a major break in his career.
The director further added that a few changes have been added to the script and the new version will add a contemporary touch to the film.
It is said that the team has finalized the cast and crew of the remake titled Aan Paavam 99% . The official word will arrive in the coming days, he said.
Aan Paavam 99% is expected to start rolling in a few days and the first schedule will be held in Ottapalam in Kerala, said Pandiyarajan.
The 25 years celebration of the original version – Aan Paavam- was held a couple of years ago.