Actor Aari, who is playing an artist in his upcoming movie Maya, had to learn to sketch and paint as the movie had close-up shots. A Deccan Chronicle report says that the actor took the effort to learn the art even while the director suggested having a dupe for the close-up shots.
Aari took the help of art director Ramalingam to hone his basic skills in sketching and painting. The actor practiced the art for about 2 to 3 hours every day. The film has Nayanthara as the female lead.
Directed by Ashwin Saravanan, Maya has Aari and Nayanthara in the lead roles with Karunas and Lakshmi Priyaa Chandramouli in supporting roles. Produced by Potential Studios and distributed by Dream Warrior Pictures, this film has music scored by Ron Ethan Yohaan.