Unhappy with the way the climax has panned out, the makers of horror-comedy Tripura, are currently re-shooting it in Hyderabad. Tipped to be a sequel to last year’s sleeper hit, Geethanjali, the film features Swathi Reddy in the role of a possessed village girl. The team is already in awe of her performance in the never seen before avatar.
Actor Naveen Chandra plays a pivotal role in the film, which was originally supposed to feature Anjali in the titular role. Talking about Swathi’s performance, director Raj Kiran told Silverscreen: “No other actress could’ve played this role as well as Swathi. Honestly, I had my reservations as to whether she would fit the role, but she proved me wrong.” Raj says they’ve struck a fine balance between horror and comedy in the film, which is likely to release in August.