Actress Swathi Reddy, a popular face in all south Indian film industries, recently revealed the gutsy side of hers when an Instagram user posted an annoying comment below a picture that she posted on her profile. The bubbly actress’ prompt, strong response made the person not just delete the comment, but deactivate his account and leave Instagram.
Recently, actress Vishakha Singh had lashed out at a Facebook user who made obscene comments on her picture.
The Instagram user said Swathi looked like ‘an aunty’ and the actress replied, “@suthagallery I AM AN AUNTY. It’s not a bad word that I have to feel embarrassed to put up with. People like you are the reason it’s hard to be yourself. I am not going to be the colours Swati who was 16 forever. Ok, Uncle? Chill with the free advice.”
Swathi Reddy is now awaiting the release of director Vishnuvardhan’s Yatchan and KS Adhiyaman’s Amali Thumali.