Actor Junior NTR’s 25th film with director Sukumar, which was scheduled to go on floors a few days ago, has been postponed yet again. While the reason remains unknown, the delay has become a matter of concern for NTR’s fans.
According to a source, the shooting will now start from the second week of July. The first schedule will last for 48 days in and around Britain. The team is planning to shoot in Australia as well. In fact,barring 20 days, the film will be shot abroad. The shooting is scheduled to wrap-up by end-November.
Tipped to be a family drama on the relationship between a father and son, the film also features Rajendra Prasad, Jagapathi Babu and Rakul Preet Singh in important roles. While Prasad will essay the role of NTR’s father, Babu portrays the main villain.
Image courtesy: Deccan Chronicle