Director Karthik Subbaraj’s Jigarthanda turned out to be one of the best movies of 2014. And now, it is all set to be remade in Kannada by director Sudeep. Actor Rahul will be reprising the role of Siddharth and actor P Ravi Shankar will be essaying the role of ‘Assault Sethu’, originally played by actor Bobby Simha.
Actress Samyuktha Hornard, who was a part of Prakash Raj’s trilingual Oggarane (Un Samayal Araiyil in Tamil) will be playing the role essayed by actress Lakshmi Menon in Jigarthanda. A Times of India report claims that the first schedule of the movie is close to completion.
Arjun Janya will be composing music for the remake.
Jigarthanda won critical acclaim and several awards while actor Bobby Simha won a National Award and a Filmfare Award for Best Supporting actor.