Putting rest to speculations, 24AM Studios set up by RD Raja have officially announced that their first production venture will feature actor Sivakarthikeyan as the male lead. The team took to Twitter to announce the technical crew of the movie, which will be helmed by Bakkiyaraj Kannan. The female lead and the supporting cast were not announced, and it is said that the team is on the lookout to finalize the positions.
Ace cinematographer PC Sreeram will be cranking the camera while Anirudh Ravichander scores music. Sivakarthikeyan and Anirudh had earlier worked on Ethir Neechal, Maan Karate and Kaaki Sattai.
Oscar award winning sound engineer Resul Pookutty joins the technical team along side special make-up effects artistes Sean Foot from the Weta Workshop. Art director T Muthuraj, editor Ruben, action director Anal Arasu and costume designer Anu Parthasarathy also belong to the technical team.
It is rumored that the actor will be seen in drag in this yet to be titled film. However, an official confirmation on the same is still awaited.