Kollywood is on the threshold of going completely digital with Thani Oruvan, starring Jayam Ravi and Nayanthara, set to be the last film to be fully shot on film. In an interview with Dinamalar, the film’s cinematographer, Ramji, said that he felt the quality of the scenes would be enhanced if the movie was shot on film, even though the post-production procedures would be more expensive and strenuous. In fact, film processing is being done in Mumbai because there are no film processing facilities located in Chennai anymore.
Cinema first came to Madras as early as 1897 with the screening of the first silent films in the then Victoria Public Hall in Madras. The first cinema theatre, built around that time, still stands as a part of the post office complex on Anna Salai. The transition from film to digital marks a global shift in film-making, and the end of an era for Kollywood.
Brothers Jayam Ravi and M Raja are re-uniting for Thani Oruvan after a gap of five years. The movie features Arvind Swamy, Ganesh Venkatraman, Vamsi Krishna, Mugdha Godse, Harish Uthaman, Sanjana Singh, Sricharan and Saiju Kurup. Produced by AGS Entertainment, Thani Oruvan has on board cinematographer Ramji and editor VT Vijayan.