Gitanjali Selvaraghavan is debuting as director with Maalai Nerathu Mayakkam for which director Selvaraghavan has penned the story. Gitanjali, in an interview to Deccan Chronicle, dismissed rumors about producer Kola Bhaskar threatening Selvaraghavan over wrapping up shoot in time. She also added that they are now filming the movie at Baba House.
Shooting of Maalai Nerathu Mayakkam is nearly complete with a few patch-up shots and two songs left to be canned. Giitanjali clarified that filming had to break for a while as the producer did not have necessary funds needed for the shoot. “Now that the situation is sorted out, we have started shooting our montage song,” she added. Gitanjali, who seemed upset about ‘such baseless rumors’, also requested people not to ‘drag Selvaraghavan into this issue’.
According to her, Selvaraghavan penned the story for Kola Bhaskar without getting any remuneration.
Maalai Nerathu Mayakkam features a young cast of Balakrishna Kola and Hindi actress Wamiqa Gabbi in the lead roles. Some portions of the movie were canned in the hilly areas of Ooty.