The two-day Chennai Fashion Week had a grand opening on July 11 at The Westin, with Rochelle Rao as the face of the event for 2015. The event was co-presented by hair and beauty salon Naturals, in association with the Designers Council of India and Brand Avatar. The event was choreographed by Karun Raman, and included collections from Studio 9696, Mathusha, Indrajith, Ritu Kumar, Sri Kumaran Stores, Swathi Purushothaman, Santhosh Kumar and Sarath Krishnan.
Day 1: Report (Exclusive Photos: Coverage by Sriram Narasimhan)
Day 1 saw Studio 9696 showcasing collections from Sandeep Ravi, Mathusha and Indrajith, as well as collections from and Ritu Kumar.
Sandeep Ravi brings together a non-negotiable blending of the traditional and quirky with his bridal wear collection. Intricate embroidery meets canvas shoes against a canopy of bright reds and greens. Ravi’s challenge to stereotypes of masculinity is equally non-negotiable: an ace leg-spin bowler with a reputation carved out at Grand Theft Auto. The same man likes dressing up, flowers, and stilettos. And, he declares unabashedly what many women might hesitate to admit, ‘I cried at the end of 27 Dresses’. Actress Sanchita Shetty was one of the show stoppers in a red outfit. Telugu actor Allu Sirish shimmered in red as well, while popular anchor Divya Darshini looked resplendent in a black and gold suit with a green stole. Model Pradhayini Sarvothaman was sported a pink salwar.
Mathusha’s collections were tuned in to Chennai’s scorching summer. Florals and light colours were the pick of the ethnic wear, and Sonia Agarwal was the show stopper of the evening in a flowy, red, evening gown and her trademark smile.
Indrajith brought together a blending of contemporary styling with traditional Sri Lankan handloom work. Coupling monochromatic colours with vibrant jewel tone highlights, the designer focused on creating exaggerated volume. The showstopper was actress Aishwarya Rajesh in a red-and-silver anarkali suit. The collection represented the silk handloom fabrics from different parts of the country.
Ritu Kumar’s collection focused on encompassing various moods, and was packed with aesthetic gossamer fabric laced with light patterns. Culminating with the Ritu Kumar stamped bridal couture collection, attempting to recreate a historical era of royal houses, and spanning Indian textile influences over the ages. Actress Nandita Shwetha wore a jewel-studded, bright red-and-gold outfit.
Day 2: Report (Exclusive Photos: Coverage by Dani Charles)
Day 2 began with a stall showcasing silk saris from Sri Kumaran Stores. The collection focused on designer bridal pattu sarees in traditional colours. The show stopper Rochelle Rao wore a red saree with heavy zari work.
The second show by Swathi was based on the theme of autumn. Textures were bold, and green, yellow and brown were the dominant colours. Outfits ranged from short skirts to pants and flowy dresses. The show stopper Parvathy Omanakuttan was dressed in a rust-orange dress.
The third show, by Santhosh Kumar, was presented as a tribute to the fashion industry, depicting its negative and positive sides through black and white colours. Showstopper Ajmal was dressed in a black suit with embellishments and Bharath was dressed in a regal bandhgala suit.
The finale was Glamora by Sarath Krishnan, an Indo-Western bridal collection, focusing on a fusion of cultures with increasing exposure of the Indian subcontinent to the western world. Outfits included lehengas, Cinderella-style gowns, sherwanis, and formal suits. Pastel tones and dark colours dominated. The showstopper of the grand finale was Jay Bhanushali, who wore a heavily embellished royal blue sherwani.