Actress Sayyeshaa, who is making her southern debut in filmmaker VV Vinayak’s yet-untitled film, says that she doesn’t want to limit herself to any one industry, given the talent across industries, and that it would be a dream come true to work with Mani Ratnam. “I feel there’s much to learn and so many talented directors to work with across industries. My dream is to work with Mani Ratnam,” Sayyeshaa told Silverscreen.
In her debut film in Telugu, she will be acting opposite actor Akkineni Nagarjuna’s son Akhil. “It’s a love story laced with all the ingredients that make a perfect entertainer. We’ve already completed about 70 percent of the film and will soon enter the final leg of the shooting,” she said. She added that she had thoroughly enjoyed working with Akhil, “We hit it off quite well. It’s been a pleasure working with him. He’s a fantastic co-star”. A trained dancer in Kathak, Odissi, and Latin-American dance forms including Zumba, Cha Cha, and Jive, Sayyeshaa is hoping her dancing skills make an impact on screen. Meanwhile, she is also gearing for her big Bollywood debut with Ajay Devgan’s home production, Shivaay.