Actor Srikanth has issued a statement saying that he does not own a Twitter account, and that accounts in his name are fake. An abusive message about STR’s Vaalu had been tweeted from one such account. Srikanth requested fans to report fake accounts created in his name, adding that miscreants had been tarnishing his image by posting offensive tweets.
The tweet sent from @actor_srikanth read, “Being an Ajith sir fan is good but using his image, reference to get mass response plus claps is annoying, Earn your own #STR sorry.” STR fans were unhappy with the message and expressed their dissatisfaction on social media.
Srikanth is currently shooting for Sowcarpettai along with actress Raai Laxmi. Directed by Vadivudaiyan, Sowcarpettai will be simultaneously released in Tamil, Telugu, and Hindi.