After a number of delays, National Award winning film Kutram Kadithal is finally set to release on September 25. The movie’s producer JSK Satish claims that it had been difficult to identify a suitable date, as well as block the estimated number of screens. JSK Satish also hinted that he would follow Producer Council norms on advertisements in Kutram Kadithal, and look to follow them in future projects as well. The norms have yet to be implemented.
#Kuttramkadithal from Sept 25th @rameshlaus @Sathish_Klcc @DoneChannel1 @Kollywoodtimes @CinemaCalendar @behindwoods
— JSK Satish (@JSKfilmcorp) August 21, 2015
Directed by G Bramma, Kutram Kadithal is a realistic portrayal of an incident that showcases people from all walks of life. The film has been screened at several International Film Festivals including the Chennai International Film Festival, the Bengaluru International Film Festival, the Zimbabwe Film Festival, and the International Film Festival of India. The movie stars master Ajay, Radhika Prassidha and Sai Rajkumar and has won the coveted National Award for the Best Tamil Film. Kutram Kadithal is also the only Tamil film that has been selected for the Indian Panaroma Film Festival.