Tamannaah, who played the warrior queen Avantika in Baahubali, said that the film’s success has humbled her. In an interview to DC, she declared, “All I can say is that I am at peace with myself now. I am more careful with choosing the projects I want to work on. I didn’t get a good response for my Bollywood films, so I don’t want to make the same mistakes in the future.”
Currently shooting a bilingual film with Karthi and Nagarjuna, she said the success of Baahubali in Hindi has opened doors for her in Bollywood. In the second part of Baahubali, she doesn’t have a big role, but Tamannaah isn’t upset about it because she said the film is larger than a single person. Asked if she’d like to be a part of Rajamouli’s Mahabharata, she said she’d love to watch it as audience.