Actor Vivek has joined the cast of the Tamil remake of Jolly LLB. The film, to be directed by I Ahamed, stars Udhayanidhi Stalin, Prakash Raj and Hansika Motwani in lead roles. Udhayanidhi and Prakash Raj will be reprising the characters played by Arshad Warsi and Boman Irani respectively, whereas Vivek will be seen in a new character, which has been included in the remake. The actor will be seen alongside Udhay throughout the film.
Shooting for the film will begin in the last week of August. Hansika has allotted a ten-day call sheet for the film’s shoot, which will most likely begin on the August 27.
The remake will be produced by Udhayanidhi Stalin’s Red Giant Movies. Music director Santhosh Narayanan has finished recording a song for the film.
Jolly LLB (2014) was a successful Hindi courtroom drama film.