Shooting of director Priyadarshan’s upcoming film Sila Nerangalil has been completed in just one month and the film is all set to enter the post-production stage. Actress Sriya Reddy, who plays the female lead, tweeted to thank her co-star Prakash Raj and Priyadarshan.
And it’s a wrap for #silanaranglil what a fabulous experience thank u #priyan sir and @prakashraaj for all the entertainment
— Sriya Reddy (@sriyareddy) August 31, 2015
Sila Nerangalil is tipped to be a socially aware film on AIDS, and marks the re-union of the National Award winning Kanchivaram team. Priyadarshan is likely to approach music director AR Rahman to compose the music for the film. Sila Nerangalil is jointly funded by Amala Paul’s Think Big Studios and Prabhudeva’s Prabhudeva Studios.